Friday, March 28, 2014

A Grey Beach Day

There are grey days even at the beach hey?!

We spent 8 days and nights at the beach. You can't expect every one of those days to be sunshine and clear skies can you? Just not realistic. Too perfect. Not multi-layered enough anyway ;-) We'd get bored with just sun and sand!

On one non-sun day we went for a walk. Through the coastal bush, through trees, up a hill and over a ridge and down to another beach...

It was quite grey. But there were other subtle colours. I really enjoyed looking at the details. Not at the bedazzling sun and sea, but at the small things. The rocks. The colours in the water. The plants growing above the high tide mark. 

The greys were quite a delight!

Alright, back to the present. It's a grey day here again today. We've had 3 in a row now and consequently I've been playing wet-washing-tetras!! Anyways, the grass is green, the cows aren't hungry and the ewes are contentedly awaiting their lambs. Had best head off and move the clothes airer closer to the wood stove...

Have a lovely weekend, whether it's grey or not!

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