Friday, May 23, 2014

Cloud Art

Just sneaking in a quick little post... 

Today I bring you some cloud art. There's not much more to say about it hey? Just don't miss the birds soaring and sailing up oh-so-high...

It's been a busy day. The poor old dogs got neglected and I think I even forgot to feed the chooks - luckily they have plenty of food scraps from yesterday. Today's activities have included opening gates to watering spots, 'weeding' a paddock and cooking ready for the weekend. Why do you need more food on the weekend than during the week I ask?!

Anyways, I'm glad it's the weekend. We might have an exciting purchase happening this weekend, it's our local farmers markets (a yummy brekky coming up!) and the glorious weather looks set to hold out...

Now, before the small people bust me sneaking some screen time and before the dew settles on the washing, I must finish this post and get outside!

Happy Weekend to you and I'll catch you next week.

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